2019 Keller Piesporter Schubertslay Riesling Kabinett GoldKapsel Mosel JR18.5
Pure, floral, lime and lime blossom, such intense delicacy. Makes my heart beat faster with anticipation. Wonderfully pure citrus fruit – ripe lemon and clementine. Palate-blowing combination of delicacy and intensity, even a touch of apricot, but stony too. Such a light touch and then amazing length. As it opens there’s a peppery cast to the stone-dust minerality. Mouth-watering and yet silky as it flows over the palate.
Likely to be 8.5% but not yet analysed. Made from two strips of 60-year-old vines, a little higher up the slope than the centenarian ungrafted vines which go into the Alte Reben Kabinett. Harvested 21 September and 5 October. Yields were down from 38 hl/ha in 2018 to 26–27 hl/ha in 2019. The vines had to fight for their survival because of lack of water reserves but the rain in July saved them from excess stress. Picked at c 84 Oechsle. RS c 38 g/l. Cask sample.